Camden Railway Heritage Trust
Table of Contents
Founded in January 2007, Camden Railway Heritage Trust (CRHT) is a charity whose formal objects, quoting from its Constitution, are:
- To preserve and restore, and support the preservation and restoration of, the historical, architectural and constructional heritage relating to railways in Camden and Primrose Hill, in the form of buildings and other structures of particular beauty or historical, architectural or constructional interest, for the benefit of the local community and the public at large.
- To facilitate access to the railway heritage, maintain and support the maintenance of the sites, promote improvement to the surroundings of the sites, and link sites for the benefit of local residents and the public at large.
- To advance the education of the public in the broader appreciation of the railway heritage in Camden and Primrose Hill and of its context in the social and industrial history of the area.
How we work
The Trust Camden Railway Heritage Trust (CRHT) is a charity promoting, for public benefit, the preservation and restoration of the railway and associated heritage, access to the heritage and the education of the public in the broad appreciation of the social and industrial history of the area.
Commercial development in the area can use the heritage to attract visitors and enhance the lives of people who live and work in Camden. But it also threatens the heritage and can harm or destroy the features that give the area its identity. Simply doing very little to make the heritage more accessible is itself a threat. The role of the Trust is to encourage understanding of the heritage and appreciation of its significance, and to use this to guide development towards the aims of the Trust. One way to meet this role is to create frameworks or plans for major sites. These are described under Projects.
As part of its mission to inform, the Trust publishes books, creates videos, writes articles, newsletters and position papers and works with other organisations. Much of this material can be accessed under Resources.
The Trust is keen to promote Education with students of all ages, starting with bringing Victorian history to life through Key Stages 1 and 2, and extending to university research projects that could provide the basis for a thesis while also giving the Trust a better understanding of the heritage. In a similar vein, architecture students have been invited to re-purpose elements of the heritage.
Information about the activities and achievements of the Trust over the last 15 years is given under Camden Railway Heritage Trust.
To encourage you to visit CFRL and KXRL we provide information of a practical nature, such as access to the locations of interest, both for the railway lands and their immediate hinterland. Here, in News and Events, you will also find information on upcoming guided walks, presentations, and other items of current interest.
If you wish to help the work of the Trust, or if you can share with us any additional information about the railway, canal and industrial heritage of the area, please get in touch with the Secretary.
Our trustees
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